14 Herbs to Sleep Soundly 


Looking to improve your sleeping habits? Check out these amazing herbs to sleep soundly. From chamomile to valerian root, we’ve got you covered with safe and effective options to promote a restful night’s sleep. 

We all know that sleep is crucial for our physical and emotional health to function properly. In fact, many studies have shown that insomnia affects a significant portion of the population globally, ranging from 10% to 30%, with some studies indicating rates as high as 50% to 60%. This sleep disorder is particularly prevalent among older adults, females, and individuals dealing with medical or mental health issues.

In today’s era of heightened social media distraction, many individuals have developed the habit of scrolling through their screens right before bedtime, resulting in staying up late at night. Without sufficient sleep, our brain becomes foggy, and our immune system weakens. This leads to the development of chronic diseases.

It is good to know that while we sleep our body is working hard behind the scenes to repair and restore itself. It’s like having an army of tiny repairmen fix up our cells, tissues, and organs. But it’s not just our body that benefits from sleep; our brain needs it too. It’s during sleep that our brain consolidates memories, processes information, and gets rid of unnecessary clutter.

Interestingly, there are a plethora of medicinal herbs that were used by our grandparents and ancestors to heal themselves naturally. There are numerous herbs that can aid in promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and improving sleep quality. Below we’ve curated a list of some of the most effective herbs that can whisk you off to dreamland in no time.

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1. Valerian Root

Valerian Root, herbs to sleep
Ivan Leidus via Wikimedia Commons

Valerian is an ancient herb that’s been used as a natural remedy since the days of ancient Greece and Rome. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, even recognized its benefits, and later on, Galen prescribed it for people who had trouble sleeping. This flowering plant is native to Europe and Asia and can grow quite tall in the summer, producing sweet-smelling pink or white flowers that attract different kinds of flies, like hoverflies.

Valerian root has been found to be a safe and natural sleep aid in many studies. Researchers have discovered that taking valerian root regularly for up to 28 days doesn’t cause any issues for most adults. However, if you’re already taking sedatives, anti-anxiety medications, or other sleep aids, you should steer clear of valerian root, as it may interact with these medications and make you too drowsy. Pregnant or nursing women and children under the age of 3 should also avoid using valerian root since it hasn’t been studied enough in these groups.

There isn’t an official dosage recommended for using valerian root, but most research studies have people take 300 to 600 milligrams once a day on a regular basis to see its effects on sleep.

2. Lavender

Lavender Herb, herbs to sleep well

Lavender is a popular and delightful flowering plant that belongs to the mint family. It is found all over the globe, from the wilds of Africa to the sunny shores of the Canary Islands. But don’t be fooled by its pretty petals – this plant packs a powerful punch of health benefits.

For centuries, people have been turning to lavender for its medicinal properties, and for good reason. Its various parts are packed with a variety of chemical compounds, including flavonoids and coumarin, which offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

But perhaps the most alluring aspect of lavender is its ability to help us unwind and get a good night’s sleep. This wonder plant has the power to boost the body’s production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep cycle. And if that’s not enough, the essential oils of lavender have also been shown to help reduce pain, headaches, and stress.

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3. Chamomille

Chamomile to sleep well

Chamomile is a herb that is not only beautiful, but also has many medicinal properties that were known in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Its incredible healing properties were chronicled in ancient medical writings, and it was a highly prized remedy.

Today, it is commonly used to soothe menstrual cramps, but it is also consumed to reduce stress, and anxiety, and promote better sleep. Chamomile tea has been found to positively impact the actions of dopamine and serotonin, providing a welcome respite from depressive symptoms.

However, we must be cautious with chamomile because it has the potential to cause adverse interactions with other herbal products and prescription drugs. For those with pollen allergies or sensitivity to ragweed, chamomile may cause an allergic reaction due to cross-reactivity.

4. Passionflower or Passiflora Incarnata

Herbs to sleep, passion flower
Jan Van Bizar via pexel

While passion fruit is popular for its delicious flavor and health benefits, its stunning flower is also consumed for its calming properties. Maypop, also known as purple passionflower, wild apricot, and wild passion vine, is a fast-growing vine with stunning flowers. Its flowers have intricate designs, and they stand out with their prominent styles and stamens.

Interestingly, passionflower has been used for centuries in the Americas and later in Europe as a calming herb for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. And even today, passionflower is used to treat anxiety and insomnia.

Those looking for a way to get a good night’s rest can try drinking a cup of passionflower tea right before bed. The tea has a mild sedative effect and has been shown to improve sleep quality in studies conducted on mice. This is excellent news for the roughly 70 million adults in the United States who struggle with sleep issues.

5. Hawthorn

Hawthorn for sleep

If you’re looking for a natural way to calm your nerves and promote relaxation, hawthorn might just be your new best friend. This medicinal shrub is found in abundance across temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and has been used for centuries for its potential health benefits.

Some folks swear by hawthorn’s ability to help them unwind, thanks to its purported mild sedative effect and circulation-boosting properties, which can be beneficial for those looking to support their heart health.

But as with any herbal remedy, it’s crucial to exercise caution when incorporating hawthorn into your wellness routine. Allergies to hawthorn or related plants can be a concern, as can interactions with certain medications. And if you’re expecting or breastfeeding, it’s best to err on the side of caution and skip the hawthorn altogether. Be sure to chat with your doctor before giving it a try.

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6. Rosemary

Herbs to sleep, rosemary

The much-lauded rosemary is a shrub so enchanting, you’ll want to inhale its fragrance with every breath. Its needle-like leaves, evergreen and luscious, are accompanied by stunning flowers in hues of white, pink, purple, or blue. A true Mediterranean beauty, it has been a sought-after herb for centuries.

In fact, the first mention of rosemary dates back to 5000 BCE on cuneiform stone tablets. The ancient Egyptians even incorporated it into their burial rituals. But then, like a mystery waiting to be unraveled, rosemary disappeared from history until the Greeks and Romans made mention of it.

During the Middle Ages, rosemary’s reputation soared as it was believed to have the power to dispel negativity. Folks would tuck it under their pillows to ward off nightmares and evil spirits, and even burn it in their homes to keep the black plague at bay.

But did you know that rosemary is also known for its ability to enhance your dreams? Yes, you heard it right. A calm and peaceful rest is within reach with a sprinkle of rosemary under your pillow. Sleep is your escape from the daily grind, and rosemary helps you take control of your dreams so that you can slip into a state of pure tranquility. Give it a try, and let the sweet dreams roll in!

7. Withania Somnifera

Ashwagandha, also known as the winter cherry or Withania somnifera, is an evergreen shrub that can be found in India, parts of Africa, and the Middle East. Ashwagandha has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine, particularly its root powder. While it’s often sold as a dietary supplement and used in herbalism, scientific evidence is lacking when it comes to proving its safety and effectiveness in treating health conditions.

But here’s the thing: Ashwagandha has a calming effect that can help promote relaxation and sleep. So, if you’re struggling to wind down at night, this plant could be just the thing you need. It’s generally recommended to take ashwagandha in the evening before bed to optimize its sleep-promoting benefits.

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8. St. John’s Wort

Herbs to sleep, St. John's Wort

The bright yellow flower, St. John’s wort, has been used for centuries, dating back to the ancient Greeks. Legend has it that the name “St. John’s Wort” comes from the plant’s tendency to bloom around the time of the feast of St. John the Baptist in late June, paying homage to this religious figure.

Throughout history, St. John’s wort has been a go-to remedy for a range of ailments, from kidney and lung problems to insomnia and depression. This versatile plant has even been known to aid in wound healing, making it a true multi-purpose healer.

But what makes St. John’s wort particularly intriguing is its ability to benefit sleep. By regulating mood and boosting the production of melatonin – the body’s natural sleep hormone – this plant can help you catch some much-needed shut-eye. Plus, there’s some evidence to suggest that St. John’s wort may also provide relief from anxiety, making it a powerful ally for those looking to improve their overall mental well-being.

9. Red Ginseng

From the land of the rising sun, ginseng is a root that has been an essential part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. This slow-growing perennial plant, with its unique fork-shaped root and green, oval-shaped leaves, has caught the attention of scientists and researchers. And with good reason.

Ginseng extract is considered to be a superfood, loaded with nutritional benefits that support overall health. You can find it in dietary supplements, energy drinks, and teas, all infused with the power of ginseng.

But with great power comes great responsibility, as they say. In this case, overconsumption of ginseng can lead to the dreaded “ginseng abuse syndrome” (GAS), a combination of unpleasant symptoms like hypertension, nervousness, sleeplessness, skin eruption, and morning diarrhea. So be careful not to overdo it!

On the bright side, ginseng has been known to improve sleep quality, speed up the time it takes to fall asleep and increase morning alertness. According to Kevin Spelman, a faculty member at Maryland University of Integrative Health, “Red ginseng affects the stress axis, thus normalizing the body’s stress response.” “If the nervous system’s response to stressors is excessive, it brings it down (and vice versa).” So, ginseng could be the key to a more peaceful and restful sleep.

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10. Lemon Balm

The lemon balm plant is a true gem of the Mediterranean Basin. This perennial wonder, a member of the illustrious mint family, stands tall at a meter high, adorned with dainty white flowers and leaves that emanate a soothing lemony fragrance when crushed. It’s no wonder this plant is found in abundance in its native land – its beauty and aroma are simply irresistible.

While it may seem like a simple herb, lemon balm packs a powerful punch when it comes to promoting relaxation and sleep. Numerous studies have shown that when combined with other calming herbs like valerian, hops, and chamomile, lemon balm can effectively reduce anxiety and induce a peaceful slumber.

And the best part? You don’t need to consume copious amounts to reap the benefits. Just a single dose of 1-2 grams, or a full teaspoon, of dried and crushed lemon balm leaves steeped in hot water for 5-10 minutes can be enough to experience a sense of calmness and enjoy a restful night’s sleep. 

11. California Poppy 

California Poppy for sleep
David McElwee via pexel

The vibrant California poppy is an interesting flowering plant known for its versatility and potency. This member of the Papaveraceae family boasts several names, such as golden poppy, California sunlight, and cup of gold. It’s a native of both the United States and Mexico and has been revered for centuries for its many benefits.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this plant is its ability to be consumed as a soothing tea or prescribed in tincture form as a sedative. To experience the full effects, small, repeated doses are recommended every 15 to 30 minutes for a two-hour period before trying to snooze. Unlike traditional opiates, California poppy is non-addictive and has no unpleasant side effects.

The California poppy has a vast array of uses, ranging from easing insomnia to alleviating aches and calming nervous agitation. It’s even been known to help with bed-wetting in children and treat bladder and liver diseases. If you’re looking for a natural way to promote relaxation in your life, the California poppy is definitely worth considering.

12. Nettle

Herbs to sleep, Nettle

Nettle is a plant that has been cultivated since the Bronze Age in Scotland and Denmark for its stalk fibers, which make for durable and linen-like cloth. The name “nettle” itself comes from words meaning “textile plant,” and even Native Americans used it to craft sacking and fishing nets.

Nettle is also a medicinal plant and its tea made from the leaves and stems has been used as a natural remedy for various ailments. It’s particularly effective for improving symptoms related to an enlarged prostate, such as frequent or painful urination, difficulty urinating, and nighttime urination.

What’s more, nettle tea is a powerhouse of potassium and vitamin K, both of which work together to combat free radicals in the body. Over time, this slows down oxidative stress and lowers the risk of developing chronic conditions.

However, beware of the potential drowsiness caused by stinging nettles, and avoid consuming them along with sedative medications like sleep or anti-anxiety drugs. 

13. Magnolia Bark

Magnolia bark, herbs to sleep

The aromatic Magnolia Bark is a species of Magnolia native to the awe-inspiring mountains and valleys of China, flourishing at altitudes ranging from 300 to 1500 m.

Its incredible aromatic bark is carefully stripped from the stems, branches, and roots to be used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it’s known as “hou po.” It’s a testament to the plant’s potency, with traditional indications aimed at eliminating dampness and phlegm while relieving distension.

The benefits of magnolia bark are vast and impressive. This natural extract has been found to have anticancer properties, alleviate menopause symptoms, relieve stress and anxiety, and protect against oxidation and inflammation. With bioactive compounds that can address a wide range of conditions, it’s no surprise that magnolia bark has been revered in traditional medicine for centuries.

Moreover, magnolia bark, which contains the polyphenols honokiol and magnolol, has been found to possess sleep-inducing properties that may improve the quality of sleep. With its potential to remedy insomnia or simply promote better sleep overall, magnolia bark may be just what the doctor ordered for those seeking restful slumber.

14. Sage

Herbs to sleep, sage

Sage is an ancient and esteemed shrub known for its many medicinal properties. With woody stems, grayish leaves, and alluring blue-to-purplish flowers, this perennial evergreen hails from the Mediterranean region but has made itself at home all around the world.

In Rome, sage was a staple in the official pharmacopeia, prized for its impressive ability to aid in the digestion of fatty meats, heal ulcers, staunch bleeding wounds, and soothe a sore throat. But Sage’s usefulness doesn’t stop there.

Those suffering from insomnia may find relief in sage, as its active ingredient, camphor, is believed to promote healthy skin cell growth, slow the aging process, and reduce the formation of wrinkles. Furthermore, the common sage extract has been shown to improve certain symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep problems.

However, it’s worth noting that sage may interact with sedative medications, potentially causing breathing problems and excessive drowsiness. As with any natural remedy, it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare provider before using it.


Please note the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Consult your physician before consuming the plants medicinally.


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