The Truth About Frozen Foods and Your Health


While frozen foods can be convenient, they vary in healthiness based on their preparation and storage methods.


It’s true that fresh, homemade meals are the best option for a healthy diet compared to processed food. However, if you’re considering purchasing frozen food, there are some things to keep in mind. For instance, some frozen meals and snacks can be high in salt, sugar, and fat, which can contribute to health problems like obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Additionally, frozen foods may contain preservatives, additives, and other ingredients that can be unhealthy. So, while frozen foods can be a convenient option, it’s important to read labels carefully and choose wisely. Let’s find out more about frozen foods and their impacts on our health.


Can Cause High Blood Pressure


Source: Tom Weiden via pixabay

Did you know that eating processed foods has been linked to high sodium intake? This can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Some of the worst culprits are processed meats like dry-cured meats, ready meals (especially frozen pizza), and cheese, which all have high sodium content. Consuming too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and increase your risk of developing chronic illnesses such as heart disease and stroke.

However, there is something you can do about it. By monitoring your sodium intake and being mindful of the foods you eat, you can reduce your risk of developing these health problems. One easy way to do this is by choosing foods with lower sodium levels and avoiding processed foods. This simple step can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.


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Can Cause Headaches and Throat-Swelling 


MSG and Frozen Food
Source: Sam Williams via pixabay

Picture this: you’re at the grocery store, browsing through the frozen food aisle, looking for a quick and easy meal to satisfy your hunger pangs. But, hold up! Before you toss that frozen pizza or mac and cheese into your cart, it’s essential to know that many of these frozen meals contain a sneaky ingredient: MSG. While companies add MSG to improve the taste of their products, it could have harmful side effects for those who are sensitive to it. Consuming MSG has been linked to headaches, swelling of the uvula, and even whole-body sweating. So, next time you’re craving a frozen dinner or breakfast meal, be sure to check the ingredient label and watch out for MSG.


Low Level of Nutritive Value


Nutritive value for frozen foods
Source: Zoli via Pixabay

The well-known significance of fruits and vegetables in decreasing the likelihood of chronic illnesses like cancer and cardiovascular diseases is linked to the essential components they contain, such as macronutrients like fiber and micronutrients like ascorbic acid (Leong and Oey 2012). Although fresh fruits and vegetables are commonly consumed, some are also consumed after processing. However, many vitamins can be lost during processing, storage, and handling, and the ability of vitamins to remain intact under chemical, physical, and thermal stresses is referred to as “stability.” Ascorbic acid, or Vitamin C, which is water-soluble, is mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and it is the most delicate and vulnerable to damage when exposed to unfavorable handling and storage conditions (Lee and Kader 2000).


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How Can Frozen Food Become Unsafe?


How safe are frozen foods?
Source: Pixabay

Freezing food at temperatures below -18°C is a fantastic way to preserve raw meat or cooked meals for later enjoyment. It inhibits the growth of harmful microbes such as bacteria, yeasts, molds, and pathogens, which could otherwise cause the food to spoil or become unsafe to eat. However, while your frozen food may be safe to eat, its quality might take a hit. Freezing can lead to changes in the texture of meat, crumbly fat, and alterations in meat color. Freezing only slows down the actions of natural enzymes that cause food components to degrade or oxidize, but it doesn’t stop them entirely.

Furthermore, it is important to know that frozen meals could contain as many as 2,000 synthetic chemicals that don’t require approval from the FDA. A report from the health watchdog Environmental Working Group highlights this alarming fact. These chemicals are untested, and their long-term effects on our health are unknown. As Dawn Undurraga, an EWG nutritionist, stated to Sierra Magazine, “We don’t know what the long-term impacts are, and even the science we do have raises questions.” It’s concerning to think that we may be consuming harmful chemicals in our processed foods without even knowing it.




The information provided cannot be considered a replacement for professional medical advice. It’s always advisable to consult a qualified medical expert or your personal doctor for further guidance. The responsibility for this information does not lie with Mystik Maze.


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Heyleena is the lead contributor to Mystik Maze, who enjoys sharing her knowledge in various fields including History, Self-development, Wellness, and many more. She doesn't like to limit herself when it comes to sharing information that can empower anyone.

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